Hello and welcome to this new blog! Before I start writing about any particular subject, I wanted to write an introduction about me and this blog. Even though I put a short description on the page, I feel I could go more in-depth.
With this blog, I will tackle many subjects. I divided them all into categories, but from time to time, I will diverge and talk about something else—a topic that moved me, something that has to be talked about, or just me needed to vent into the void!
The first topic is bullet journals. I have been bullet journaling for years and only managed to finish one once (lol), but this year—more like next year, but that I'll explain in a different post—I've been able to do it better and complete it (or am on the way to). Bullet journaling is a great way to stay organized while doing crafts, express your artsy style, and just focus on something while turning your brain off.
Books and reading. This one I will have so much fun to do! It is risky because if you guys like this you'll end up recommending books and my TBR pile is already begging for its life, and in conclusion, I'm scared! But talking about the books I've read or listened to will be like a huge book club and I'm so excited. The way I see it: I will start writing the article the moment I start the book, so I will be sharing my thoughts and favorite quotes and so on, of course, that means it won't be spoiler-free... So if you guys want to know my rating for the books before reading the article, I will put it in my stories on my Instagram page, this way, you will be able to read it first and then read the article! Again, there is a contact page, with my email on it, so if you want to discuss the book, I am more than happy to do so!
Cooking. I was a chef, and I still love to cook. I'm still discovering new recipes and as I'm trying them out and gathering feedback from my boyfriend who is a foodie, I will share them with you! We have a tradition, when I'm cooking him something I'm asking him to note it on a scale of 10, so I will add it, too! Those articles will be shorter than the other, as I'm not one to overwrite a recipe... We've all been there on a recipe where you struggle to find it and it's just a backstory after another... No offense, it's just that it's not what I'm looking for when I search for a recipe...
Mental health. I suffer from anxiety, a lot less than I used to, but some days are harder than others. And with this category I want to share my input, my version of it, as it all varies depending on the person suffering it. We all deal with it differently and it's okay. So, my articles on it are far from me saying "I'm a professional", it's me telling my story with it, how it affected and still affects me, my entourage, and my life.
Self-care. I am a self-care addict. Even though I have periods where I don't do it, I completely disregard it, when I get back to it I always wonder why I stopped. So, I will share what I learned concerning skin types, dos and don'ts, the products I tried, and how I incorporate my self-care into my schedule without having to not do something. What I do to meditate, because, yes it is part of self-care. I will share everything that to me is self-care and works for me.
House/organization. This one is vast. When I say house it contains cleaning tips, the way I organize myself on my cleaning schedule, and the products I use that are safe for my cats. And, the organization is also vast lol, but it's about tidying stuff, sorting your clothes, arranging your library, organizing your kitchen, etc. Just home category!
I am quite excited to start this journey with you! On the posting schedule of the blog, I don't have one just yet. I don't know if I want to go into the "a post the same day of the week" or "multiple posts during the week" or something else. I know I will write a lot and have a lot of them prepared before anything, but for the rest, I guess I will figure it out as I go, lol. Just know that the articles I will write will be written because I want to and just because it has to.
Again, I highly accept emails from you! Whether you want to talk about an article I wrote, or want to suggest a book or a movie, I'm not against writing articles about movies either! I'm open to it all! As long as it's respectful, of course!